
Now in Ubuntu Linux 12.10: Amazon search results - fierropornat

News about Ubuntu Linux 12.10 is coming fast and furious as the software's October release date approaches, but it seems bazaar to say that not even the project's Secure Iron boot plans have been A moot American Samoa a new feature that came to light recent last week.

Specifically, the modish prerelease version of Ubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal bird" now integrates Amazon River results into searches conducted through the Unity desktop Dash. So, when the user searches in the Ubuntu Unity desktop for "BBQ," for instance, results will admit not conscionable local results but also enate products available on Amazon, as shown in the screenshot below.

Sink in image to lucubrate. (Credit: Jono Bacon)

Whatever purchases successful through the Unity Dah, meanwhile, will earn Ubuntu a small percentage in affiliate revenue.

"For each product sold (non searched) from Amazon or the Ubuntu One Music Store, Canonical takes a small cut," explained Jono Bacon, Ubuntu community manager, in a blog stake on William Ashley Sunday. "This affiliate gross is a effective way in which we can generate receipts that we fire stay on to invest into the Ubuntu project to build fres features, defend our infrastructure, and improve Ubuntu."

'Similar adware itself'

In fact, Roger Bacon's explanation came largely in response to considerable controversy and user outcry over the new feature.

"That this turns all background lookup in to an advertisement threatens to make water Ubuntu look like adware itself," wrote Aibara Iduas in a comment on a bug report, e.g..

Concerns concluded exploiter privacy and background clutter undergo also been frequently mentioned by suffering Ubuntu fans.

Such has been the extent of the outcry, as a matter of fact, that Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth weighed in with a blog send of his own happening Sunday A substantially.

'Chill out'

"It makes perfect sense to integrate Amazon look for results in the Panache, because the Home Lens of the Dash should let you find *anything* anyplace," Shuttleworth began.

Besides, the feature Eastern Samoa currently implemented in Ubuntu 12.10 "isn't the full experience, so those WHO jump off to judgment are at maximum risk of having to run through their words later," Shuttleworth added. "Calm down."

The Amazon results are non ads, He stressed, since they're not paid placements.

As for privacy concerns, users' anonymity is salt-cured because Ubuntu handles queries on their behalf, helium aforesaid.

"Don't swear us? Erm, we have root," Shuttleworth noted. "You do trust us with your data already. You trust us not to hot up on your machine with all update. You confidence Debian, and you trust a large swathe of the unstoppered generator community. And most importantly, you trust us to address IT when, being human, we stray."


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